Sunday, October 11, 2015

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University Decisions 2016

Wondering if you can make it to your dream university?
Are you still in dilemma whether to apply to the university based on your profile?

Then this is the perfect place to be right now, guess why?
We are going to give you the access to our previous year's data of all the decisions of the universities of USA.

Click the link to view the admission decisions of 2016

Admit Reject 2016


  1. This will be very useful, thanks!
    Is this information submitted by student themselves?

    1. Yes Karan, it is based on the information submitted by the students.
      We are trying to make things easy for the students applying for masters, so is there anything else that you would like us to post as an article, which would be of help to others?

    2. Is it possible for the admin to reveal the names of the people who have added their details, on an individual basis if requested? It would help immensely if people want to correspond with some seniors.

    3. Sorry we cannot reveal the details of the students due to the issue of their security and privacy. But we will try and work out a way by which the students can correspond with seniors in the university.

  2. You missed GPA..Its an important criterion to get an admin/reject!!

    1. Thank you Akash for pointing that out. In a few days we will be giving access to another data file where you will find every detail regarding the student. We wanted the students to roughly understand the pattern of admission last year by giving access to the above document.

  3. Do you by any chance have any information about Pharmaceutical Sciences admits, apart from these which are predominantly engineering student. Thank you

    1. Yes the next data file which we are due to release has few Pharmaceutical Sciences decisions. Hope it will be of help to you.

  4. Please add scholarship details as well.. Thanks :)
